Melbourne, FL Early Termination of Probation Attorney
You Could Be Eligible to End Your Probation Early in Brevard County
Probation serves as a preferable alternative to imprisonment. When under probation, people convicted of crimes are permitted to avoid time in prison under the condition that they will follow the terms of probation. While this is a valuable option for many people, the terms of probation can be very stifling and make life difficult. A probationary period can last for a long time, typically anywhere between one to three years, but the court can order it for longer.
If you have exhibited consistent good behavior since your probation was put into effect, it may be possible to terminate your probation early. At the Law Offices of Bryan J. McCarthy, our experienced criminal defense lawyer in Melbourne, FL can review your case and guide you through the process of applying for early termination of probation.
Call (321) 248-7742 to speak with our attorney about ending your probation early.
Am I Eligible for Early Termination?
When you were placed under probation, you were provided with a list of rules you had to follow in order to continue probation and stay out of prison. This likely included a fine which you had to pay off over the course of your probation. If you have paid off your fine and diligently adhered to the terms of your probation, then the Department of Corrections (DOC) may recommend early termination of probation. In many cases, however, you will have to file a Motion to Terminate Probation Early.
The court is not required to grant early termination of probation just because the DOC recommended it. A judge will look at the following factors when making the final decision:
- Have you served at least half of your probationary period?
- Have you paid off all fines and fees associated with probation?
- Have you completed all court-mandated community service or substance abuse counseling sessions?
If the answer to all of these questions is “yes” then you should be eligible for early termination. At this stage, you should meet with a criminal defense lawyer who can help you prepare your Motion to Terminate Probation Early.
Contact Us For Help Getting Started
Filing for early termination of probation is a complicated process, and with your freedom at stake, you don’t want to make any mistakes that can delay the process. At the Law Offices of Bryan J. McCarthy, our criminal defense attorney in Melbourne, FL has helped countless clients file for their early termination. He can help you determine if you are an eligible candidate and fill out the appropriate paperwork.
Contact us today at (321) 248-7742 for a free and confidential initial consultation. We serve Brevard County, Volusia County, Seminole County, Indian River County, and Osceloa County in Florida.